Face Coverings Statement

As of the 24th July face coverings will be mandatory for any customers who visits shops and supermarkets in England.

So what constitutes as a face covering?
A face covering can be surgical PPE, a scarf, bandana, religious garment or a hand-made cloth covering so long as they securely fit around the side of the face.

The government have stated that the liability for wearing a face covering is with the individual and that the police have the power to enforce these measures and issue fines.
We therefore ask that you bring your own face covering with you when visiting our store. 

Please remember not to re-use disposable face masks and to wash your  re-usable face coverings daily.

What about the teams at Scotsdales?
As a retailer, Scotsdales’ staff are not required to wear face coverings. Our teams however will wear face masks during peak periods throughout the course of the day. For full details on the in-store face covering policy,including who is exempt click here.

Who is exempt from wearing a face covering?
We ask that our customers are mindful of others who may fall into one of the following categories.

  • Children under 11 years old
  • Those who are unable to put on, wear or remove a face covering because of a physical or mental illness or impairment or disability.
  • If putting on, wearing or removing a face covering will cause severe distress.
  • When travelling with or providing assistance to someone who relies on lip reading to communicate.
  • To avoid harm or injury, or the risk of harm or injury to oneself or others.
  • To eat or drink, but only if they need to.
  • To take medication.
  • If a police officer or other official requests the removal of a face covering.
  • If asked to do so by shop staff for the purpose of age identification.
  • If speaking with people who rely on lip reading, facial expressions and clear sound.

Covid-19 safety measures
We will continue to implement the Covid-19 safety measures and ask that you continue to comply so that everyone can have an enjoyable and safe shopping experience.
These measures include:

  • Hand sanitiser available for customer use.
  • Disposable gloves available.
  • Comply with the 2m social distancing requirement.
  • Queuing locations by toilet facilities, entrances and at checkouts.
  • A maximum of two people in the toilet facilities at a time.
  • Where possible only touch items you intend buying.
  • Where possible visit in groups of up to two people at a time.
  • Avoid touching your face.

The Scotsdales Management Team

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