

Latest Guides

  1. Chinese cabbages

    With their mild flavour and crisp texture, these are excellent in salads, or lightly cooked. Prepare the soil in the normal way, and apply h...

  2. Oriental mustard

    Like other oriental brassicas, these are fast-growing, so prepare the ground prior to planting adding lots of organic matter and a high gene...

  3. Chinese broccoli

    Plant these in a prepared site, in a cool but moist spot, with high organic and nitrogen levels.  Apply a general fertiliser prior to planti...

  4. Companion planting and vegetable groups

    When you’re growing veg, there’s a very helpful practice called “companion planting” which you can use to to deter pests and improve flavour...

  5. Organic vegetable growing: simple steps and ideas

    Growing organic veg has lots of benefits including: Provides safe, uncontaminated food Reduces food miles and the use of fossil fuels Waste...

  6. Spinach & beet leaf

    These crops require some soil preparation in order to perform well, with ground that’s rich and contain plenty of organic matter. Apply well...

  7. Endive

    Summer and autumn-sown crops of endive need a sunny spot with good soil, but a semi-shaded site is equally suitable for spring-grown endive....

  8. Rocket

    This tangy salad crop likes cool conditions in fertile, moisture-retentive soil, and it makes a great cut-and-come-again option for your kit...

  9. Corn salad (Lambs lettuce)

    Corn salad will grow happily in nearly all garden soils and situations, so it’s very useful as a winter salad, or as an undercrop for other ...

  10. Chicory

    Chicory isn’t fussy about soil type, but it does require a sunny spot. Dig the soil in autumn or winter, and incorporate compost if the soil...

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